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Arterial Doppler

Upper Limb & Lower Limb

Venous Doppler

Upper Limb & Lower Limb

Renal Doppler

Four Vessels Doppler

Scrotal Doppler

Antenatal Doppler

Doppler of any local/soft part lesion

Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), also sometimes referred to as C-arm CT, uses a flat-panel X-ray detector that rotates around the patient; the X-rays are divergent, forming a cone. Images can be reconstructed in multiple planes, and three-dimensional reconstruction can be performed and rotated in multiple planes.

A Cone-beam computed tomography may help diagnose many conditions, including:

  • Lower radiation exposure compared to conventional CT scans
  • Higher image quality and greater detail of CBCT images, particularly compared to standard x-rays
  • The 3D image produced by CBCT gives your clinician more information than an x-ray
  • CBCT images both soft tissue and bone, unlike x-rays
  • Faster scan times because everything is scanned in a single rotation
  • CBCT is totally painless and noninvasive

OPG, or Orthopantomogram, is a specialized X-ray used in dental imaging to capture a panoramic view of the teeth. Dentists typically advise patients to undergo an OPG before any dental procedures to assess oral health comprehensively. Additionally, OPGs are employed to identify facial bone fractures in trauma patients.

Furthermore, we offer CBCT (Cone Beam CT), a dedicated CT scan for dental imaging purposes. Dentists recommend CBCT scans before implant procedures for precise surgical planning and for reconstructive procedures. These advanced imaging techniques ensure thorough assessment and optimal treatment planning, enhancing patient care and outcomes in dental practice.

A Doppler ultrasound is a noninvasive test that can be used to estimate the blood flow through your blood vessels by bouncing high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) off circulating red blood cells.

Doppler ultrasound uses sound waves to detect the movement of blood in vessels. It is used in pregnancy to study blood circulation in the baby, uterus and placenta. Using it in high-risk pregnancies, where there is concern about baby’s condition, shows benefits.

Abnormal blood flow patterns in fetal circulation detected by Doppler ultrasound may indicate poor fetal prognosis. It is also possible false positive Doppler ultrasound findings could encourage inappropriate early delivery.